日本消化器内視鏡学会の公式英文誌であるDigestive Endoscopy (DEN)Best Reviewers Awardsを当院より山本 和輝 先生が受賞ましたhttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/den.14794

Best Reviewers Awardsとは年間の査読件数、査読に要した日数等をもとに、貢献度の高い医師に授与される賞です。


山本 和輝 先生DEN Best Reviewers Award 2023を今回初めて受賞ましたが、島村 勇人 先生過去3年連続Best Reviewers Awardsしたことから、今までの査読時実績を評価頂きDistinguished Reviewers今回選ばれました


DEN Best Reviewers Award 2023 Received!


Dr. Kazuki Yamamoto from our hospital have received the Best Reviewers Awards from Digestive Endoscopy (DEN), the official English journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/den.14794


The Best Reviewers Awards are given based on the number of reviews conducted in a year, the number of days taken for reviews, and other contributions.


Dr. Kazuki Yamamoto received the DEN Best Reviewers Award 2023 for the first time. Furthermore, Dr. Yuto Shimamura has been recognized as one of the Distinguished Reviewers due to his consistent performance and having received the Best Reviewers Award for the past three consecutive years.